Cozy in faux fur for fall

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Wearing: bold navy and gold earrings / Chanel sunglasses / MAC Lipstick / adjustable navy and gold necklace / long sleeve black tee / extra soft black faux fur vest / gold circle ring / Chanel Gris Obscur nail polish / Fendi DotCom satchel / military green jeans / heeled lace up booties for winter

Our cool, fall weather is finally here! I love being able to stay cozy in soft, faux fur on crisp, autumn days.

This is the outfit I wore on Sunday after church, and it was perfect in the cool weather. It will be fun this season to mix these pieces up, or wear them together again as a complete outfit. These booties are so cozy too! Being cozy is the best!

If you are looking for a couple of versatile, cozy and casual pieces this fall; I highly recommend this faux fur vest and these cozy booties! They will be perfect for the winter season too!

Outfit details:

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